Highways 779 and 628 Traffic Signals Active
Posted on Monday, January 21, 2019 02:00 PM
The traffic signals at the Highway 779 Ave and Highway 628 intersection were put into operation this morning. The signals at 57 Ave are currently being installed and should be put in flash mode later this week or early next week. They will be made operational the following week.
Once those signals are operational, the contractor will install signals at Willow Park Road. These will likely be operational in early to mid-February. The signals at 55 Ave and at 52 Ave likely won’t be operational...
Highways 779 and 628 Traffic Signals Installed
Posted on Monday, January 14, 2019 11:45 AM
Traffic signals have been installed at the intersection of Highway 779 and Highway 628 and are in flash mode. The lights are flashing yellow on Highway 779 and red on Highway 628. They will remain in flash mode for 10 days before being fully activated. The overhead lights at the intersection and south of Hwy 628 are also operational. The overhead light on the northwest corner is not fully functioning and will be repaired this week. Bags have been placed on the extra signal heads and signs to...