Regular Council Meeting Highlights for October 12, 2021
Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 08:15 AM
Town Celebrates Achievements of Local BMX Club
The Town of Stony Plain is proud to share the incredible achievements of the Stony Plain BMX Association. Four Stony Plain racers placed first and seven placed in the top 10 for their age class in the Canadian BMX National Championships held earlier this year in August. The local club ranked second overall for Alberta Clubs for total race points this season.
Find more information on our local BMX Champions in the agenda package on pages...
Highway 779 Construction Update - October 7
Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2021 02:00 PM
Alberta Transportation has informed the Town that primary construction on the 48 Street/Highway 779 Project is complete. Crews will be on site over the next couple of weeks working on any deficiencies and site clean up. Occasional localized lane closures will occur to accommodate the work.
Downtown Redevelopment Update - October 7
Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2021 12:30 PM
All concrete work is complete. Planters have been installed. Crews are working on benches, cladding, sandblasting and bollard installation. Parking lane closures will be in effect on the east side of Main Street on Tuesday October 19 and on the west side on Wednesday, October 20 for street light installation. Crews are expected to be done all work by the end of October. All construction is weather dependent.
Downtown Redevelopment Update - October 4
Posted on Monday, October 04, 2021 02:30 PM
The contractor for Downtown Redevelopment has requested additional partial closures from October 4-6 to facilitate the remaining work on this project. The north, south and west lanes at 50 Street and 50 Avenue will open to traffic this evening (October 4). The east lane will remain closed overnight on October 4.
The intersection at 50 Street and 50 Avenue will be fullly closed on Tuesday, October 5 from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to allow the final concrete pour to be safely completed.
Local Students Design New Banners for Golf Course Road
Posted on Friday, October 01, 2021 02:30 PM
The Town welcomes a new set of banners along Golf Course Road. The student-designed banners are part of an active transportation initiative with Ever Active Schools, Parkland School Division, and the Town of Stony Plain.
The design work was done by students in the Connections for Learning My Path Program as well as students from Stony Plain Central school, these students were selected as the winners of a design contest held earlier in the year. The Active Transportation Banner Design Challenge...