Corporate Plan Meeting Highlights, November 2 & 3, 2020
Posted on Wednesday, November 04, 2020 01:30 PM
With the 2021-2023 Corporate Plan meetings wrapped up, Council has given Administration direction on the Town’s priorities and key actions for the next three years. The Recommended Corporate Plan was discussed at length over the course of two days with no shortage of difficult decision making.
“This year had a number of unique challenges, including the global health pandemic and extended economic downturn, that forced us to re-evaluate our priorities. We have to be cognizant of these realities and...
Downtown Redevelopment Construction Update, November 2
Posted on Monday, November 02, 2020 01:30 PM
With winter and icy sidewalks on the way, business owners are reminded to use the sand/gravel provided and avoid using salt on the new concrete. Sandboxes have been placed throughout the downtown hub for use throughout the season.
49 Avenue Construction Update, November 2
Posted on Monday, November 02, 2020 01:00 PM
Construction crews will be working along 49 Avenue tomorrow (November 3) patching all the gutters with asphalt. Flaggers will be onsite to assist with traffic in the area.
Highway 779 Construction Project, October 30
Posted on Friday, October 30, 2020 05:30 PM
Alberta Transportation has informed the Town work is wrapping up on the Highway 779 Construction Project for the year.
The permanent line markings and crosswalk markings at Westerra Drive, Willow Heights Road and between 79 Avenue and Willow Park Road North were placed on October 30. Crews have been on site sweeping the roadway and doing general site cleanup. Line painting and painting of the crosswalk lines and lane direction arrows is scheduled to start on Monday, November 2. It is anticipated the...
Downtown Redevelopment Construction Update, October 30
Posted on Friday, October 30, 2020 11:00 AM
Construction season is coming to its end and the Downtown Redevelopment project is preparing for winter. Fences will be removed this weekend and the road is scheduled to be opened on Sunday, November 1.