Downtown Redevelopment Phase IV Construction is Underway
Posted on Friday, May 01, 2020 10:30 AM
Fences are now set up and work is underway for Phase IV of Downtown Redevelopment. A temporary turnaround has been established south of 51st Avenue. There is no parking permitted in the turnaround. Sidewalks in the area remain open with pedestrian access. A temporary walk at the north west intersection of 50th Street and 50th Avenue has been established to complete a walking area around the fencing.
Regular Council Meeting Highlights for April 27, 2020
Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 01:00 PM
Operating Expenditures Borrowing Bylaw
Council gave First, Second and Third Reading to the Operating Expenditures Borrowing Bylaw, a motion that would assist the Town in meeting financial obligations. With the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on Town operations, Administration is recommending an increase to the operating line of credit from $1 million to $10 million. With current interest rates, the interest implications have been estimated at $50,000.
Through the bylaw, Administration will be able...
Have fun with #GetRealTriRegion Mental Health Week Challenge
Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 12:45 PM
Living in isolation during a pandemic is a very stressful situation for everyone. It’s normal to feel many emotions, including stress and anxiety. It’s also a time when some people display great resilience. Whether you are struggling or thriving during this time, it is important to focus on your overall health during Mental Health Week.
From May 4-10 join the online challenge found on the Facebook and Instagram pages of The Community Compass. This challenge focuses on activities related to the protective...
Mayor’s Task Force on COVID 19 - Economic Stream Proposes Further Relief for Stony Plain Businesses
Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:00 AM
During the April 27 Council Meeting, Council approved a 50% rebate on business license fees for 2020. The rebate proposal was presented by the Mayor’s Task Force on COVID-19 – Economic Stream.
The Mayor’s Task Force on COVID-19 was announced during the March 24 Council Meeting as a means to address issues and challenges faced by residents during the global health pandemic. The Task Force operates with two streams: Economic and Social. The Economic Stream was established to examine ways to support...
New 2020 Budget: Response to Financial Impacts of COVID-19
Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 08:45 AM
With COVID-19 continuing to impact the community, a revised budget for 2020 has been approved by Council. While a 4.26% tax increase was approved in the Corporate Plan 2020 – 2022, Administration recommended a 0% tax increase for 2020 to support the community. This adjustment to the tax increase shifts funding of 2020 items to 2021. Council accepted all the changes required to achieve a 0% tax increase; however, an amendment to last night’s motion brought forward a 1% tax increase or approximately...