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Opportunities Overview
Opportunities Summary

Location and quality of community are important factors in site selection and business development. That's why we're actively improving services and investing in vital community infrastructure to ensure top talent is eager to invest, work, and reside in Stony Plain. 

Opportunities Overview

Opportunities Summary

Old Town South Redevelopment

The Old Town South Redevelopment (OTSR) area includes the land north of 57 Avenue, south of Brickyard Place and 55 Avenue, and west of the PERC Building that currently contains the Glenn Hall Centennial Arena, the outdoor pool and spray park, the ball diamonds and outdoor track, and Stony Plain Central School, Ecole francophone de Stony Plain, and Westview School. 

The purpose of the OTSR project is to define suitable land use concepts and create a site design for future redevelopment of the area, while establishing a plan to implement the site design and associated land uses. This work will include the following:

  1. Assessing the current state of infrastructure in the project area;
  2. Developing a concept plan for redevelopment of the project area;
  3. Guiding future investments that are viable and cohesive; and 
  4. Enabling redevelopment of the project area to align with the site design. 

This work stems from and implements the Old Town Community Plan Area Redevelopment Plan to continue progress towards ensuring this area is a vibrant hub for social, cultural, recreational, institutional, residential, and commercial activities. The project phases and budget allocation is detailed on page 8 of the 2023-2025 Corporate Plan

 Community Recreation Facility
This initiative will fund the construction of and establish operations of a new recreation facility in the Old Town South neighbourhood. It is estimated construction will take eighteen months to complete.
 Highway Development Strategy

The Highway Development Strategy supports investment attraction efforts in the areas bordering Highways 16A & 628 by outlining development scenarios and their associated feasibility.

Broadband Strategy 
We've recently completed a Broadband Strategy to improve connectivity and opportunities for residents and businesses. Visit our Broadband web page to learn more.
Public Art Strategy
Council approved the Public Art Policy which calls for 1% of all new capital building budgets and 0.1% of the annual operating budget to be reserved for public art. The Public Art Strategy will guide the placement and design of public art with purpose and engagement. This initiative is a recommended action in the Arts, Culture and Heritage Action Plan.

The design of the cemetery was complete in 2021 and construction is scheduled for 2025. This initiative will provide the necessary administrative and contracted support, resources and equipment to establish operations of the cemetery.

Cultural and Artisan Incubator 

This initiative will provide an initial retrofit to an underutilized Town facility space offering local entrepreneurs additional support for business growth and capacity building in a rapidly developing niche sector. Home-based businesses in the arts and cultural sector will have a facility to grow their business, contributing to the vitality of Stony Plain.

Spruce Grove Stony Plain Trail Connection 

The project was approved in 2021 with direction to administration to provide options for a second multiuse trail connection south of highway 16A between the Town of Stony Plain and the City of Spruce Grove.

Flood Mitigation Strategy Implementation 

A Flood Mitigation Report completed in 2020 identified several upgrades to improve the Town's stormwater management levels of service. Due to the significant capital costs of these projects, the design will be completed over several years. This initiative will include the design of the Whispering Waters Creek upstream project in 2023, with construction planned in 2027.

Active Transportation Strategy Implementation 

The Active Transportation Strategy improves active transportation infrastructure to further connect community destinations, and promote public health and safety, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion. This initiative will identify trail and sidewalk gaps, with particular focus in commercial areas, high traffic corridors and areas where transit is introduced.


2024-2026 Corporate Plan