Residential construction in Q2 and Q3 comprised of a total of 15 housing starts that had an estimated construction value of $5.1 million.

One (1) commercial development permit was issued with an estimated construction value of $1 million. Additionally, there were 5 industrial development permits issued with an estimated construction value of $10.9 million.

One hundred and one (101) building permits were issued, which included 86 residential improvements, 10 commercial improvements, 4 industrial improvements, and 1 institutional improvement, with a combined estimated construction value of $4.6 million.

At the end of Q3, Stony Plain had 960 active businesses, with 70 new licences issued in Q2 and Q3. Broken down, 470 are retail and service, 265 are contractors, and 210 are home-based.

“Although Q2 saw a decrease in total permits, permit values were substantially higher than average,” says Planning Manager Miles Dibble. “Q3 permit statistics saw a decrease in the total number of permits and their values. However, data is comparable to averages over the last three years.”

“We’ve added business licence data to the mix to highlight another important indicator for Stony Plain’s local economy,” says Economic Development Officer Michelle Levasseur. “We’re seeing strong interest in Stony Plain from prospective businesses and expect increased activity into 2024 with many impactful public and private investments in the pipeline.”

More information on Stony Plain's permit statistics can be viewed here.