Be a responsible pet owner! This involves ensuring your pet is licensed, cleaning up after them, using a leash, treating them with care, and scheduling regular check-ups with the vet.

Licensing your pet

The first step towards being a responsible pet owner is to license your cat or dog. This license is your pet's ticket home if lost! It provides Peace Officers with the information needed to reunite you with your pet. Cat and dog licenses must be renewed at the beginning of each year or immediately upon becoming the pet's owner.

When do I need to license my pet?
Under the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, by three months of age all cats and dogs living in the Town of Stony Plain must be licensed.
Why should I license my pet?

Your licence fees allow Enforcement Services to:

  • Return lost cats and dogs to owners
  • Enforce the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw
  • Feed and shelter lost cats and dogs
  • Provide emergency medical care for lost cats and dogs
  • Help neighbours resolve animal-related conflicts

How do I license my pet?

Complete the Pet License Application form to apply for a pet license or request a license at Town Hall. 

What documents do I need to get a license?

  • proof of rabies vaccination from your vet
  • proof of neutering/spaying (if applicable) from your vet

You have to pay the fee for a pet who is not spayed or neutered. We will accept any documentation from your vet that indicates your pet has been spayed or neutered.

If your cat/dog does not have current rabies vaccination documentation, you must complete a Rabies Vaccination Waiver either online or in person.

You will be prompted to attach spay/neuter and rabies vaccination documents from your vet online via the Pet License Application form. You may also bring them to Town Hall.

 How much does a pet license cost?
Animal Type

Annual Fee

After Oct 1.

Dog or Cat



Neutered/Spayed Dog or Cat



Nuisance Animal



Vicious Animal



How do I renew and pay for my license each year?

You can phone in a credit payment and we will mail you your pet's new tag.


You can pay with cash, debit, credit, or cheque at Town Hall and receive your pet's new tag immediately.


You can mail in a cheque payable to the Town of Stony Plain, making sure to reference the name of the pet you are licensing. We will mail you your pet's new tag.


You can leave a cheque payable to the Town of Stony Plain in our night deposit, making sure to reference the name of the pet you are licensing. We will mail you your pet's new tag.

Does my service animal need to be licensed?

Yes, service animals require registration.

How can I update my pet's status if I rehome or adopt a new pet?

To update a pet's status on you pet license file, complete an Update Pet Status form.


What happens if I lose my pet tag?

You can buy a replacement tag at Town Hall for $5.00.

Does my dog have to wear a license around their neck/collar when off the property?

Yes. You must have a visible Town of Stony Plain dog tag on a harness or collar.

Lost pets

Check the Parkland County Animal Shelter Facebook page or try our online registry search.

Search for Lost Pets

Cat Trap Rentals: Program for 2024 season

Cat traps (live traps) are available to our residents for the purpose of trapping cats. These traps are only to be used to trap cats and are not to be used to catch other animals. 

  • Traps must be requested through the online request form
  • A $100 refundable deposit may be charged prior to the trap being issued
  • Traps are available for pickup at Public Works after they have been scheduled
  • Traps must be returned within 10 days
  • When a cat has been trapped, call our Enforcement department at 780-963-8650 and one of our officers will pick up the cat (Cats and traps will only be picked up on normal work days)

Residents are encouraged not to set the trap on weekends as our on call staff will not pick up cats on weekends.

Request a Cat Trap

Wild Animals


Coyotes live in cities throughout North America. It is typical to see a coyote in a park, ravine, other green space and even on your street, at any time of the day or night during all the seasons. Coyotes have adapted very well to life in the city. Food and shelter are plentiful and natural predators are limited, so these animals will continue to live near us.

  • NEVER feed coyotes, either deliberately or inadvertently. Ensure all food you may have with you (human snacks or dog treats) are packed away securely
  • Keep your dog close to you and on a leash, especially in areas where coyotes are known to live. In an off-leash area, ensure your dog will come to you when called and stand or walk with other people who also have dogs
  • Be aware of your surroundings and what your dog is doing
  • Don’t let your dog chase or play with a coyote
  • Don’t walk your dog in ravine habitats, especially in the spring when coyotes have pups

When coyotes come too close

  • Maintain eye contact with the coyote
  • Ensure your dog is leashed and behind you. Pick up your small dog
  • Do not run; use aversion techniques to scare the coyote away
  • If the coyote doesn’t leave, you may be near its den or food source. Do not run; back away slowly while maintaining eye contact and leave the area

Aversion techniques

  • Assertively open and close an umbrella or snap open a large plastic garbage bag – these sights and sounds can be scary to a coyote. (Garbage bags are light weight and easy to carry with you on your walks)
  • Wave your arms above your head, maintain eye contact and loudly say “Go away coyote!”
  • Keep doing this until the coyote leaves
  • Carry and use a whistle or other noise maker and throw objects in the coyote’s direction to scare it away. NEVER hit or injure a coyote with an object

Coyotes around your house

Coyotes may be near or at your house because there is a nearby food source – maybe even on your own property.

NEVER feed a coyote. Deliberate feeding of coyotes is an irresponsible activity that causes coyotes to adapt more easily to living and foraging for food around houses and yards. There are many different natural food sources for coyotes in the city such as rats and other small rodents, fruit and insects. Coyotes do not require that food be provided to them by people.

Normal urban coyote behaviour

  • Active during all four seasons and during the day and night
  • Watching or following you and your dog from a comfortable distance – coyotes are very curious
  • Sitting somewhere in plain view or relaxing or playing in a field or park, either alone or with other coyotes
  • Walking and ignoring you. It’s natural to see coyotes walking on a road or sidewalk in a neighbourhood.
  • Hunting
  • Yipping and howling
  • Hesitating and looking back when you’re trying to scare it away. (Keep scaring the coyote until it leaves)

Skunks are burrowing animals that, despite being timid, adapt surprisingly well to living among humans in urban areas. They are not skilled climbers, so homeowners don’t need to fear them getting into attics and chimneys. However, they will make dens under porches, decks, and sheds by digging as deep as a foot down. 

Why do I have skunks?

In urban settings, they have adapted to living near humans and raid trash cans, gardens, outdoor pet food, and compost piles for food.

Skunks eat almost anything. In the wild, their diets include rodents, eggs, insects, worms, and plants. City-dwelling skunks feed on trash, fruits and vegetables from home gardens, grubs found in residential lawns, and small animals like mice and squirrels. 

Municipal Enforcement do not remove skunks from your property.