Youth Day & Stony Plain Youth Centre's 20th Anniversary (

Since 2004, the Stony Plain Youth Centre has been a safe space for youth to find support, connection, and opportunities in leadership and creative expression. The Youth Centre is also a great place for youth to meet new people and have fun! 

Check us out on social media for more events and activity promotions!

 Facebook Instagram

Programs & Activities 

Calling all youth perspectives!

The Town of Stony Plain is conducting a survey of youth aged 11-17, called the Developmental Assets Profile. This survey focuses on understanding the strengths and supports (assets) young people have and need in their lives. By gathering insights directly from youth we can better ensure that the services we provide support their success in life.

Assess the survey here - Developmental Assets Profile

Upcoming and Current Programs & Activities

At Stony Plain Youth Centre we host and plan a variety of different programs, activities and events. Some of these don't fall within our regular programming and therefore require pre-registration.


Click here


 The Gear - Bike Shop & Bike Repair Program
The Gear - Bike Shop - Program is currently closed! Check back for future updates.

What? The Gear - Bike Repair Program is a small group workshop where youth are invited to work together, build relationships, and learn the basics of bike mechanics. Within this program, youth are invited to bring their own bikes for a tune up and paint job, or if youth do not currently have access to a bike, a bike will be made available to them to repair and keep!
When? Check our registration portal for up to date sessions and dates.
Where? Stony Plain Youth Centre - 4902 51 Ave, Stony Plain
How? Register as a member at the Stony Plain Youth Centre
Get your membership here -

The Gear - Bike Repair Program is now accepting donations of bikes! Donations are accepted during our business hours. Unsure of the hours? Call us - (780)968-3846

The Gear - Bike Repair Program is seeking volunteers to help run the program! Interested in learning about bike repair and competent working with teenagers? Submit an application on Better Impact and we will let you know when we can book you in!
Complete the Volunteer Application here -
Currently Accepting New ? Yes!

For a full list of programs and events, click Here!
 SPYT (Stony Plain Youth Team) LEADERSHIP
 Now accepting youth leaders! Contact us to join this program.
What? SPYT Leadership is an initiative/program dedicated to getting youth involved in making decisions relative to youth programming, events, and youth initiatives. Whether it be relevant to community events, festivals or private functions, the SPYT is dedicated to providing insight and feedback into programs or initiatives that are in the works.
When? Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the Month
Where? Stony Plain Youth Centre - 4902 51 Ave, Stony Plain
How? Register as a member at the Stony Plain Youth Centre and also complete an application on Better Impact. If we have any required training we will get you to complete it and then get you on the list for upcoming Volunteer opportunities.
Get your membership here -
Register as a volunteer here -

Currently Accepting New Volunteers? No!

Interested in bringing a new idea to the SPYT to discuss input or feedback? Send proposals to

For a full list of programs and events, click Here!
 SPYT (Stony Plain Youth Team) Events
 This team will be starting in February! Contact us to be put onto a communication list for when the program is starting up!
What? SPYT Volunteering is an initiative/program dedicated to getting youth involved in the community. Whether it be at community events, festivals or private functions, the SPYT is dedicated to showing off what wonderful youth we have in the community and allowing them the opportunity to show off their skills and be present in the community!
When? Various Dates - Depending on events we are asked to attend.
Where? Stony Plain Youth Centre - 4902 51 Ave, Stony Plain
How? Register as a member at the Stony Plain Youth Centre and also complete an application on Better Impact. If we have any required training we will get you to complete it and then get you on the list for upcoming Volunteer opportunities.
Get your membership here -
Register as a volunteer here -

Currently Accepting New Volunteers? No!

Interested in having volunteers at an event you are hosting? Complete the form and we will let you know if it is something we can accomodate.

For a full list of programs and events, click Here!
 SPYC SAGA (Sexual And Gender Alliance)
In 2023 Stony Plain Youth Centre worked on a number of Pride month activities and events, one of them being the Town of Stony Plain Flag Raising!
What? SAGA is an initiative/program dedicated to youth seeking a safe space to access LGBTQIA+ activities and programming with supports & resources. an addition to this group will be assisting the Stony Plain Youth Centre with planning LGBTQIA+ events, activities and programming. Come join us for evenings of friends and fun!
When? First and Third Tuesday of the month.
Where? Stony Plain Youth Centre - 4902 51 Ave, Stony Plain
How? Register as a member at the Stony Plain Youth Centre and come visit us!
Get your membership here -

For a full list of programs and events, click Here!
Community Helpers Program (CHP)
What? In every community there are people whom others naturally turn to for support. They are from all walks of life and are considered by others to be helpers. Helpers possess characteristics like empathy, care, and compassion. The Community Helpers Program identifies these helpers and offers training to strengthen their natural abilities. Helpers learn a variety of topics and skills including effective communication, self-care, coping with stress, knowing when to refer people to professional services, handling crisis situations, and suicide awareness. In addition to developing skills and increasing knowledge, Helpers are introduced to community services and professional supports. This connection bridges informal and formal support in the community, enabling helpers to refer peers and family to expert support when needed.
For more information or inquiries about the program, contact Stony Plain Community & Social Development
(780)963-8583 or
Westview Primary Care Network - Community Connector & Youth Mental Health Clinic

Westview Primary Care Network Partners with the Stony Plain Youth Centre to provide support with a Community Connector that spends time in our space offering connections to resources including the Youth Mental Health Clinic and a variety of other Resources.

Community Connector Offers
  - Community Health and Mental Health Referrals
  - Event Volunteer Opportunities

Stony Plain - Taliyah Bowen - (780)217-4146
Spruce Grove - Alex Brent - (780)221-0290

Westview PCN - Spruce Grove Location offers Drop in Therapy Sessions on Fridays from 9am until 2pm. Call (780)960-9533 Ext. 2.



January Calendar


February Calendar
Coming Soon!
March Calendar

Coming Soon!


How do I register/get my membership?

Stony Plain Youth Centre has updated its systems and now uses online memberships for registration! Memberships are free, but they allow you to register for upcoming programs and events offered at the Stony Plain Youth Centre.


Here is the website you will need to register on! 
Step One – Click “Signup” and register yourself(parent/guardian.)
Step Two – On “My Profile” find the “Add Family Member” button and add your youth. Ensure you add their birthdate.
Step Three – Click “Memberships” and “Memberships”.
Step Four – Under the 2025 Youth Centre Membership, select your youth you would like to register and then continue. The language on the system makes it sound like you will need to pay for a membership, however it is free so just continue through the prompts.
Step Five – Continue until complete the purchase the membership.
Step Six - You are registered and ready to go!
If you want to checkout some of our upcoming programs at the Youth Centre, click “Select an Activity” and “Youth Programs”.
If you are having issues with the process or need assistance with online, we are more that happy to help if you would like to pop by the Youth Centre.


For a full List of programs and events, click Here! 

I want to volunteer.

Browse our current volunteer opportunities through the Stony Plain Volunteer Centre on Better Impact - here.

Current openings:
  • Youth Volunteer - SPYT Volunteer (11-17)
  • Youth Volunteer - SPYT LEADERSHIP (11-17)
  • Youth Mentor (18+)
  • Youth Mentor - Practicum Student (18+)
  • Gear Program Volunteers (18+)
 I want to donate.

Currently, we are looking for donations to support the following programs:


Bottles & Cans
*New* Stony Plain Youth Centre is now registered for donations at the Stony Plain Bottle Depot! Bring in your bottles to the Stony Plain Bottle Depot and let the staff know you would the proceeds donated to Stony Plain Youth Centre and they will set it aside for us!
Home Depot Canada Foundation - Orange Door Project
The Home Depot Canada Foundation is committed to preventing and ending youth homelessness in Canada. Through community partnerships, THDCF aims to break down the systemic barriers that youth face, to achieve healthy pathways out of homelessness. By 2030, The Home Depot Canada Foundation will invest $125 million in creating new paths for youth at risk-of experiencing homelessness.

Donations made to the Spruce Grove Home Depot either in-person or online, go towards the Stony Plain Youth Centre and The Gear - Bike Repair Program.
Looking to donate and support a local cause? Here are some local initiatives you can help out with!
Coats for Kids and Families
Donate your gently used Coats to the Family Connection Centre (5600 51 St, Stony Plain AB).
We thank you for your donations!

For a full list of supports, head here.

Supports - Town of Stony Plain