Cultural Campfires return for the second year with new stories and storytellers. This summer, Stony Plain Family and Community Support Services, in partnership with the Multicultural Heritage Centre is bringing eight cultural campfires to our community. The series runs each Thursday evening at 6p.m. starting July 9 until August 27.

Our storytellers will take you on an adventure of daring heroes, settlement stories, great escapes, and famous folklore. Our series begins on July 9th with our first storyteller and teacher Tammie Sarauer. Tammie will share her incredible Norwegian ancestry and share the Norwegian folklore of Trolls.

According to Angela Fetch Muzyka, Community Development Officer with the Stony Plain Family and Community Support Services, “Campfires have always been a place for connection, talking, sharing, and building community; I can’t think of a better way for our community to reconnect.”

To make sure everyone has the opportunity to connect with Cultural Campfires there are two ways to participate:
1. In person: On nice days bring your own lawn chairs, you are encouraged to wear a mask and join us for a physically distanced campfire at the Multicultural Heritage Centre 5411 51st Street. On rainy days you can join us in the Perc gym just next door at 5413 51st Street. Please remember if you are sick, stay home.
2. From home: Click on the link to watch the recorded session by following us on Facebook and Instagram