Corporate Plan Meeting Highlights, November 2 & 3, 2020
With the 2021-2023 Corporate Plan meetings wrapped up, Council has given Administration direction on the Town’s priorities and key actions for the next three years. The Recommended Corporate Plan was discussed at length over the course of two days with no shortage of difficult decision making.
“This year had a number of unique challenges, including the global health pandemic and extended economic downturn, that forced us to re-evaluate our priorities. We have to be cognizant of these realities and plan for a future of sustainable growth and development,” Town Manager Tom Goulden says.
On Monday evening, Administration presented the Recommended Plan outlining initiatives supporting the Town’s Strategic Plan. The impacts of COVID-19 on the 2020 fiscal year have flowed into the 2021-2023 Corporate Plan with some deferred projects being pushed into the 2021 schedule, most notably the Tri-Municipal Transit and Cemetery. The Recommended Plan included measures to strengthen the Town’s balance sheet position in 2021, maintain current service levels to residents, and provide realistic projections for future requirements.
A number of corporate and capital projects have been proposed for the 2021 schedule, including:
- Asset Management Implementation
- Off-site Levy Bylaw Update
- Community Recreation Centre Design
- Tri-Municipal Transit Implementation
- Cemetery Design
- Rail Pedestrian Underpass Design
- Housing Strategy
- Signage Strategy Implementation
- Crosswalk Improvements
- Central Trunk Sanitary Sewer Design
- Umbach Storm Water Facility Design
- Public Works Facility Design
During the November 3 meeting a number of motions were passed by Council adjusting the Plan and reducing the tax increase from 1.91% to 1.71% for 2021. This increase is equal to approximately $0.88 per month or $10.59 annually for every $100,000 of residential assessment value. A home valued at $350,000 would see an annual increase of $37.07.
| Budget | Tax Implication |
RCMP Building Debenture | 723,529 | 4.24% |
RCMP Lease Revenue | (350,000) | -2.05% |
New Library Operations Costs | 69,000 | 0.40% |
Tri-Municipal Transit | 133,000 | 0.78% |
Debenture Servicing | (692,000) | -4.06% |
Operational Requirements | 59,675 | 0.35% |
Transfer for Capital Equipment Replacement | 350,000 | 2.05% |
Proposed tax increase |
| 1.91% |
Motions by Council to reduce operating costs | 34,100 | -0.20% |
Revised tax increase |
| 1.71% |
Corresponding to rising commodity costs, operations and scheduled maintenance, the combined increases in water, wastewater, and storm rates are projected to increase by 7.06% in 2021. Solid waste fees for residential garbage services, senior complexes, and apartment units are proposed to remain unchanged in 2021.
“It’s never easy balancing our priorities and planning for future growth while also recognizing the economic realities,” Mayor William Choy says. “While not ideal, the proposed tax increase is necessary for the Town’s development and to maintain the services our residents value. We will continue to explore new opportunities and adapt our strategies to the economic climates ahead.”
The Corporate Plan meetings can be viewed on the Town’s YouTube Channel. The final Corporate Plan 2021-2023 document will be presented for approval on November 23, 2020. The final document will be uploaded to the Town website and distributed through online channels.
Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.