During this week’s Regular Meeting, Town of Stony Plain Council gave first reading to the Old Town Community Plan Bylaw (2613/D&P/19). The bylaw was drafted in order to designate the Old Town region of our community for an Area Redevelopment Plan.

“The Old Town Community Plan aims to provide a clear guide and predicable framework for both private and public investment and for citizens with a stake in the downtown,” says Ian McKay, General Manager of Planning and Infrastructure. “The Area Redevelopment Plan will serve to preserve or improve land and building in the area and will impose guidelines when establishing new development or roads and services.”

A public hearing for the Old Town Community Plan Bylaw (2614/D&P/19) will be held at the September 9th, 2019 Regular Council Meeting.  Several public participation events have been held over the past year to develop the plan along with updates to Council during the process.

View the  Old Town Community Plan or visit the OTCP website to learn more about the Area Redevelopment Plan. View the proposed bylaw in this week’s agenda.