Town Poet Laureate Joins Council for Project Update

Lisa Mulrooney, Town Poet Laureate, joined Council for a presentation on her creative endeavours in Stony Plain over the last year. Mulrooney has been involved in a number of projects since her appointment in February of 2019 including participating in local programs and events. More recently, the poet has undertaken an additional public art project which is scheduled for installation at Rotary Park before the end of 2020.

Due to the ongoing pandemic stalling her undertakings this year, Mulrooney’s term has been extended to the end of June 2021.

Find more information about the Town Poet Laureate on pages 9 – 11 of the agenda.

Economic Development Strategic Plan Prepares for the Next Five Years

Council has accepted the Economic Development Strategic Plan Update for information. The Economic Development Strategic Plan guides the future of development in Stony Plain through four central themes:

  • Importance of diversifying the economy and business base;
  • Support for knowledge-based economic growth;
  • Importance of downtown as a destination; and
  • Telling the world about Stony Plain.

Last year, the plan was reviewed and underwent an update to meet current needs. An overview of both regional and national/international initiatives are outlined within the plan, providing a five-year roadmap for development. The implementation of the plan will continue to be updated with Council on an annual basis, and monthly with the Growth & Commerce Committee.

Read more about the Economic Development Strategic Plan on pages 49 – 61 of the agenda.

Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.