Alberta Transportation has informed the Town work is wrapping up on the Highway 779 Construction Project for the year.

The permanent line markings and crosswalk markings at Westerra Drive, Willow Heights Road and between 79 Avenue and Willow Park Road North were placed on October 30. Crews have been on site sweeping the roadway and doing general site cleanup. Line painting and painting of the crosswalk lines and lane direction arrows is scheduled to start on Monday, November 2. It is anticipated the line painting will take two days. Minor concrete work to complete sidewalk tie-ins on 51 Avenue is also scheduled for Monday.

All the streetlights have been erected between 55 Avenue and 49 Avenue as well as the 50 Avenue crosswalk signals. The wiring will be completed early next week and then they will be put in service. Placement of topsoil and seeding of the boulevards along the west side of 48 Street between 57 Avenue and 49 Avenue will take place Monday (November 2) and Tuesday (November 3) as well. General site cleanup will be ongoing all week. It is anticipated work will be completed by Friday, November 6 and crews will pack up for the season.