Council Approves Planning Advisory Committee for 2021

Council has approved the Planning Advisory Committee Terms of Reference. In October of 2019, Council passed a motion that transitioned the Town’s Subdivision Authority from the Municipal Planning Commission to Administration. Beginning next year, the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) will be able to provide community-based input, feedback, and perspectives on planning related projects and applications that require Council approval. The committee will consist of five Stony Plain business owners or residents serving two-year terms with additional one-year extensions subject to conditions. Council will revisit and review the terms of the committee after three years.

Read more about the Planning Advisory Committee on pages 35 – 41 in the agenda package.

Council Examines Mandatory Masks and Face Coverings for Stony Plain

With COVID-19’s continued impact on the province, Council discussed the option of a mandatory face covering bylaw for Stony Plain. Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, has encouraged the use of masks or face coverings in public spaces where individuals are unable to maintain a two-metre distance from others. A number of municipalities in the region have implemented temporary mask bylaws including the City of Edmonton, City of St. Albert, Strathcona County, City of Beaumont, and the City of Fort Saskatchewan. 

Council was presented with findings from public opinion surveys hosted by the Greater Parkland Regional Chamber of Commerce and the City of Spruce regarding mask bylaws. Both studies recorded an almost even split between those for and those against mandatory face coverings. At this time, Council has decided to move forward with exploring a bylaw for mandatory masks. Administration has been directed to begin a public education campaign highlighting best practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and launch a public survey to gather input on a potential bylaw for face mask coverings. A report on both initiatives will be presented to Council at a special meeting on August 24 at 9AM.

As of August 11, the Town of Stony Plain has had a total of six cases with one active case of COVID-19. As a province, Alberta is nearing 12,000 positive cases with more than 200 deaths. Residents are strongly encouraged to continue following physical distancing guidelines, wash their hands frequently, and stay home when feeling unwell. 

Learn more about Mandatory Masks and Face Coverings and find the survey results in the agenda package on pages 43 – 79.

Q2 Report Highlights Growth and Progress in the Second Quarter

The 2020 Q2 Report was presented to Council during last night’s meeting. This year’s second quarter saw a number of projects in action.

The Business License Rebate program initiated by the Mayor’s Task Force on COVID-19 – Economic Stream saw 98 businesses apply for the rebate, a total of $4,250 dispersed to local business owners in the community. Arts and culture in town is looking to the future with the approval of a new Arts, Culture, and Heritage Master Plan approved back in early June and Summer Sessions took over the airwaves with a series of virtual concerts. On the social side of things, the Town’s social media accounts saw significantly increased traffic with the #StonyPlainTogether video drawing in 29,000 Views by the end of the first day posted. To date, the video boasts 72,000 Views, 1,460 Shares, and 940 Likes.

Community members kept busy with renovations during the second quarter. The Town issued 74 permits for alterations and additions with an estimated construction value of $4 million. Two industrial permits were also issued with an estimate construction value of $520 thousand.

While simultaneously adjusting to COVID-19 safety measures, the Stony Plain Fire Department (SPFD) continued routine training and responding to incidents. The crew were also seen around town supporting the community with parades and special birthday drive-bys. The SPFD participated in four First Responders Parades and 12 birthday events. Stony Plain Peace Officers also joined in on local parades around town and teamed up with MADD, The Office of Traffic Safety, Tuber Towing, and West View Health Centre to raise awareness of the dangers of impaired driving. CPOs got their steps in with 34 Foot Patrols through town and officers responded to 607 incidents.

Though a number of annual events were cancelled for COVID-19, virtual celebrations lit up the second quarter. The Mayor’s Task Force on COVID-19 – Social Stream initiated a Virtual Farmers’ Days celebration which included a weekend of fun activities and contests.

The Stony Plain Golf Course is keeping busy with COVID-19 guidelines and working around temporary restrictions for golfers. The month of June saw 6,602 rounds played and the course was able to open the driving range with reduced hitting stalls and mandatory pre-booking.

The full Q2 report is available for public access on the Town’s website.

Check out the full Second Quarterly Report and find more highlights in the agenda package on pages 80 – 109.

Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.