Regular Council Meeting Highlights for July 12, 2021
Land Use Bylaw Given Second and Third Reading
After an initial Public Hearing, the Land Use Bylaw was given second and third reading during last night’s meeting. Administration first began a comprehensive review of the bylaw in 2019 which concluded in early 2021. A preliminary draft was circulated to stakeholders in late January of 2021 and the feedback received informed changes to the draft by Administration. With Council’s approval, the update will repeal the current bylaw.
The new Land Use Bylaw will be available for viewing on the Town website.
Learn more about the Land Use Bylaw in the agenda package on pages 359 – 364.
Tax and Utility Deferral Update
An update on the Tax and Utility Deferral Programs was provided to Council. The motion to eliminate tax penalty fees between July 1 and August 31 was approved by Council at the April 12 Council Meeting. Deferral programs were designed to help residents and business owners deal with financial implications of the global health pandemic. The total utility outstanding is $190,000 and total taxes outstanding is $2.7 million.
Find more information about the Tax and Utility Deferral Update in the agenda package on pages 371 – 374.
Fiscal Sustainability Framework Examines Reserves
The Fiscal Sustainability Framework (FSF) is in its final strategy of Phase 2 with an examination of Reserves and an update to the Accumulated Surplus – Restricted (Reserves) policy. Notable changes to the policy includes a revision of reserve categories, addition of an optimal balance, addition of new reserves, and the removal of the 10 percent utility increase limit.
The next stage of the Reserves policy will include recommendations presented during the corporate planning process in the fall. The final FSF document, including all strategies, will be presented to Council in September 2021.
Learn more about the Fiscal Sustainability Framework in the agenda package on pages 376 – 414.
Council Looks to Construct Second CN Pedestrian Tunnel
Advocating for a second CN pedestrian tunnel was identified as a priority in the 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan to enhance community safety. A potential location for the tunnel has been identified at Grayridge Bay in the Graybriar neighbourhood. In addition to improving pedestrian safety, the tunnel would further improve connectivity of the local trail network. The preliminary investigation will be considered for timing and funding in the 2022 – 2024 Corporate Plan.
Find more information about the Grayridge Bay CN Pedestrian Tunnel in the agenda package on pages 416 – 428.
Strategic Plan and Corporate Plan Q2 2021 Presentation
The second Strategic Plan and Corporate Plan quarterly report for 2021 is available for viewing. The report, which provides an overview of priorities and measurable outcomes guiding the Town’s long-term vision, was presented to Council last night.
The Strategic and Corporate Plan Q2 report can be viewed on the Town website. The next quarterly update will be presented in October.
View the Strategic Plan and Corporate Plan Q2 report in the agenda package on pages 430 – 451.
Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.