Off-Site Levy Bylaw Scheduled for Public Hearing

After a first reading of the Off-site Levy Bylaw, Council has authorized Administration to proceed with a public hearing. Off-site Levies are a charge assessed to development lands at the time of subdivision or development agreement used to pay for off-site infrastructure associated with that development. The purpose of Off-Site Levies is to ensure funds are available for growth infrastructure projects, and that growth pays for growth.

Included in the Off-Site Levy Bylaw update is a recommendation to introduce a Recreation Off-Site Levy, which will replace the Capital Recreation Contribution. Additionally, the number of basins will increase from four to twelve and applicable projects from all new master plans (Transportation, Water and Sanitary Plan) will be incorporated into the calculations.

The public hearing is scheduled for June 28, 2021. The hearing is an opportunity for community members to provide feedback on the Off-Site Levy Bylaw. 

Learn more about the Off-Site Levy Bylaw and review the full report in the agenda package on pages 6 – 44 and pages 77 - 152.

Council Approves Taxation Bylaw

First, second, and third readings were given to approve the Taxation Bylaw. In November 2020, Council passed the 2021 – 2023 Corporate Plan which included a property tax requisition increase of 1.71 percent.

Residential assessment ended with a decrease in market value of 3.03 percent and 1.73 percent in real growth over the previous year’s assessment. Individual property market value changes are different for each property; however on average, a resident will be paying $3.78 less total property tax per $100,000 of assessment in 2021.

Non-residential assessment remained neutral in real growth from 2020 and saw a slight increase of 1.03 percent in market value with the exception of the hotel and lodging industry. On average a non-residential property will pay $69.80 more total tax per $100,000 of assessment in 2021.

Find more information on the Taxation Bylaw in the agenda package on pages 154 – 160.

Public Hearing Approved for Land Use Bylaw

Council gave first reading to the Land Use Bylaw and a public hearing has been scheduled. The current Land Use Bylaw was adopted in 2017. In 2019, Administration began a thorough review of the bylaw which concluded in 2021 with a preliminary draft provided to stakeholders in late January. Questions and comments were collected for several weeks and incorporated into the draft Land Use Bylaw.

Administration is recommending the repeal of the current Land Use Bylaw – rather than an amendment – to be replaced by the new version. Community members will be given opportunity to provide feedback on the new Land Use Bylaw at the public hearing scheduled for July 12, 2021.

Learn more about the Land Use Bylaw in the agenda package on pages 162 – 447.

Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.