Code of Conduct Bylaw Given Second and Third Reading

Council gave second and third reading to the Code of Conduct bylaw last night. The Code of Conduct bylaw was implemented in February of 2018 and creates a framework for governing the conduct of all Council members, Council committee members, and other bodies established by the Council. An external consultant examined the bylaw and provided recommendations for an update. With both a second and third reading, the updated bylaw has now been approved.

Learn more about the Code of Conduct bylaw and find the updated version on pages 331 – 363 in the agenda package.

Council Approves Taxation of Vacant Lands Policy

A Taxation of Vacant Lands policy will be coming to Stony Plain. Council first directed Administration to prepare a Taxation of Vacant Lands policy back in November of 2019 and while progress was delayed due to COVID-19, administration presented a draft policy at the September 14 Council Meeting. The policy sees residential and non-residential vacant lands taxed at a rate of 1.25 times the residential and non-residential tax municipal rates. With Council’s approval, the policy is effective at the beginning of 2023.

Read more about the Taxation of Vacant Lands policy on pages 365 – 376 in the agenda package.

Public Works Presents Plan for Updated Building

Public Works is looking to the future with plans for an update to the department’s building. The building was constructed in 1974 and a plan is required to address current and future needs. A needs assessment and preliminary design options were carried out by an external consultant.

The study examined current layouts and operations to guide the design of a more efficient and sustainable building for the delivery of Public Works services. The study found deficiencies in the building that will need to be addressed to ensure the safety of all staff and to enable effective operations for the next 10 – 30 years. The project will be considered in the Corporate Plan for funding consideration and timing. 

Find the presentation on pages 140 – 316 and find more details of the Needs Assessment on pages 425 – 432 of the agenda package.

Council Examines Eligibility for Paid-on-Call Firefighter Positions

Council will be considering restrictions on Council members’ eligibility to serve as paid-on-call firefighters with the Stony Plain Fire Department (SPFD). The issue was brought to the attention of Administration back in March 2020 and effected individuals were placed on an Administrative Leave of Absence while a review process was carried out.

Council made a motion directing Administration to bring back a bylaw prohibiting Councillors to serve as paid-on-call firefighters for consideration. The draft bylaw is expected to come back to Council October 26.

Learn more in the agenda package from pages 444 – 450.

Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.