Social Services Support for COVID-19 Funding Criteria
The Alberta Government is providing $30 million to municipalities, charitable and non-profit organizations to provide help to individuals, seniors, families and other vulnerable Albertans who are isolated or impacted by measures to contain COVID-19.
Through grants from their local Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) in Edmonton and Calgary, and from Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) representing the remainder of the province, funding will be distributed to civil society organizations.
These organizations will support a range of services needed from at-home help for seniors, crisis and helplines, food security issues, emotional and mental health counselling or any other identified community issues.
FCSS Funding Distribution
The $30 million in funding will be distributed to the following municipalities:
• $7 million to Edmonton FCSS (one-time grant)
• $9 million to Calgary FCSS (one-time grant)
• $14 million to Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) to municipalities and Metis Settlements outside of Edmonton and Calgary (one-time grant)
o Municipalities and Metis Settlements who require funding will be required to submit a funding request to the FCSSAA.
As funding is being distributed outside the scope of the FCSS Act and Regulation, the 80/20 funding rule will not apply.
Charitable and non-profit organizations are encouraged to connect directly with their local FCSS program to receive detailed funding guidelines and grant criteria. FCSS will work closely with Community and Social Services (CSS) to obtain project approvals.
Grant funding must be expended by March 31, 2021. Any surplus dollars from the grant must be returned and cannot be carried over to the following fiscal year (2021/2022).
Eligible Services
For services to be eligible, they must address the social well-being of those most affected by COVID- 19 and the measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus.
Those impacted may include seniors, individuals with chronic medical conditions, caregivers, families with children at home and individuals with limited access to supports. Services should align with one or more of the following funding priorities:
• help people maintain independence, build resiliency and strengthen their ability to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic;
• provide supports to help sustain people remain members in the community during the COVID- 19 pandemic;
• fund civil society organizations to deliver projects for vulnerable Albertans who are in need during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
• coordinate services and programs to address the social well-being of vulnerable Albertans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Examples of Eligible Services
• Services to allow individuals, seniors and families who are isolated to have their home needs met, including home support and support services for children and families. Examples include: transportation or delivery of goods, such as groceries or prescriptions, housekeeping services, caregiver relief and other services.
• Services to build capacity and strengthen volunteer work in the community. Examples include: food and meal service delivery, grocery shopping, helplines, volunteer support coordination, out of pocket expenses for volunteers and information services.
• Provide alternate ways of supporting individuals and families so people can function within this new environment. Examples include: telephone mentoring, counselling/emotional mental health supports and supports to help address economic and food security needs.
• Expand or supplement efforts to provide information and referral services and telephone/online support. Examples include: crisis/distress lines, 211 services, promotion of information and services, posters and signage.
Ineligible Expenses
• Ineligible expenses include but are not limited to the following:Any expense NOT related to addressing the social well-being of those most vulnerable due to COVID-19.
• Offering direct assistance in the form of money or shelter.
• Being primarily rehabilitative or health-focused in nature.
• Purchase of any capital assets.
• Any costs required to sustain an organization that do not relate to direct service delivery under the project.
Reporting Requirements
Organizations chosen to provide services and supports will need to sign an agreement and submit a report at the end of the grant term. This report must demonstrate that activities were completed and monies spent as described in the agreement.
Application Process
Organizations in Stony Plain and Parkland County should contact Stony Plain FCSS to request funding for specific programs or services in their community. Funding for specific programs and services will not be distributed directly from the Alberta Government.
All projects must adhere to government recommended procedures and standards pertaining to COVID-19.
Key Contacts
Please connect with Stony Plain FCSS to confirm eligibility and receive support in developing project proposals and applications. It is our goal to work collaboratively with the community to help ensure local organizations can access
the support and resources they need.
To apply, please follow these steps:
Call 780-963-8583 to speak with the Stony Plain FCSS team
or email questions to
Complete an application form.
Submit your application form by email to