STONY PLAIN, AB: The annual Strategic Planning Session has drawn to a close, during which Council, in collaboration with the Senior Administration team, completed a comprehensive review and deliberation on the priorities of the Town and its overarching community development. This session is a crucial step for thinking about and planning the future direction of the community and organization.

“Evaluating and updating our Strategic Plan remains a vital task for Council. We are enthusiastic about advancing Stony Plain towards a more prosperous future in collaboration with our community, businesses, stakeholders, and government partners,” says Mayor William Choy. “The recent Strategic Planning Session reaffirmed our commitment to key priorities, including public trust, resident quality of life, and strategic infrastructure investments for sustainable growth.”

Council discussed and built consensus around factors anticipated to have an impact on the community and the organization’s role in future service delivery. They further considered the strategic priorities for Stony Plain that are both important to continue to emphasize, as well as those that are emerging. Key themes included strengthening public trust, valuable services and projects that improve our resident quality of life, and investments in infrastructure that will guide sustainable growth.  

“Collaborating with Council to address community factors and future service delivery is crucial. Our recent Strategic Planning session provided a valuable opportunity to align Council and Senior Administration’s collective vision for Stony Plain’s future, propelling the town toward continued growth and prosperity,” says Town Manager Tom Goulden.

The outcome of Council’s dialogue forms the basis of the Strategic Plan update. The Plan will be presented for approval at the March 11 Regular Meeting of Council.