The Town of Stony Plain’s Population has Increased by 3.8%
The numbers are in! The Town of Stony Plain officially has a population of 17,842 people. Town Council was presented with all the findings of the 2019 Municipal Census at tonight’s Regular Council meeting.
The 2019 Municipal Census started on May 1st and ran until June 12th. The response rate was 99.9% with 43% of residents taking advantage of the online option, while 57% remained traditional by speaking to an enumerator. There are 7,329 homes in Stony Plain with 6,903 of them occupied.
Eva Beyer, Legislative Services Manager, says, “We are very pleased with the results. The primary objective is to provide a reliable population count. This is critical information when it comes to funding and grants from the provincial and federal governments.” Beyer goes on to say, “In addition to the final count, enumerators gathered demographic data on the age and sex of residents, place of work, and the type of dwelling units.”
Some of the Key Findings that came out of the 2019 Municipal Census;
- The total population for the Town of Stony Plain in 2019 was 17,842, which is an increase of 3.8% or 653 people over the 2016 federal census population count of 17,189.
- The average annual growth rate over the three-year period between the 2016 and 2019 censuses is 1.3%.
- The largest population counts occurred in the following subdivisions:
- Lake Westerra- 1,970
- Old Town- 1,647
- Forest Green- 1,151
- In 2019, Stony Plain contains slightly more females (51.7%) than males (48.3%).
- 15 residents reported their gender as “Other”, which is the first time Stony Plain has asked this question.
- In 2019, demographic trends indicate;
- increase in age groups for seniors 65 and older
- Households with two people comprise the largest percentages in Stony Plain.
- Based on occupied dwellings, the average household size in Stony Plain is 2.58 people per household.
- Most prevalent dwelling types in Stony Plain are single detached dwellings, with 63.4% of the total occupied housing stock.
- Other popular dwelling types include;
- multi-unit dwellings (14.4%)
- duplexes/semi-detached dwellings (10.1%)
- row housing (2.6%)
- manufactured/mobile homes (4.5%)
- Collective dwellings (hotels), group care facilities and secondary suites comprised of 3.2% of the total occupied housing stock
- 7,329 total addresses enumerated
- 100% of addresses completed
- 43% of addresses completed by residents online
- 99.9% of the population counted
Mayor William Choy says, “Knowing exactly how our Town is made up helps us plan for the future. Accurate population data and demographic information are vital for the Town’s strategic planning, operations and service provision. It improves the Town’s ability to plan for growth and manage programs and services.”
“The census data is also important to the local school boards and to businesses that operate throughout Stony Plain,” says Town Manager Tom Goulden. “The information contained in this report can assist with implementing and monitoring economic development initiatives, while providing a municipal profile for industry to consider when deciding to locate future businesses and development in Stony Plain; activities that often lead to new jobs while enhancing the quality of life of residents. Administration will be analysing the numbers to identify trends to better understand our community make up.”
The full census report will be posted to