Update #2: March 23, 2020 3:30 p.m. 

In line with Government of Alberta (GOA) directives, the Town of Stony Plain has closed Town Hall to the public and is restricting the use of local playgrounds. The Town is working closely with the GOA to ensure the health and safety of all community members and staff. 

Residents in need of assistance can call or email Administration during regular office hours. 

  • Payments can be made through calling the Town office, your web banking, or through the drop box located outside Town Office.
  • The drop box located outside the main door can also be used for dropping off any documents.
  • Email us at info@stonyplain.com

The closing of municipal facilities follows safety measures outlined by the GOA, including restricting public gatherings and adhering to social distancing guidelines. All residents are advised to follow COVID-19 precautions to ensure not only their own and their family’s safety, but further the safety of the community at large. 

“We are working to keep our residents safe and ensure the long-term sustainability of the municipality. The Town is committed to providing services to our residents. We will do everything we can to assist with requests,” says Town Manager, Tom Goulden. 

Goulden continues, “There is a lot of direct and indirect contact at playgrounds. We understand it can be difficult to find ways to keep families active with social distancing restrictions in place, but this measure is a safeguard for our community. Residents can still enjoy the trail system and other outdoor activities that follow COVID-19 health advisories.” 

For updates and resources, residents are encouraged to reference the Government of Alberta webpage. Local updates can be found on the Town website, through the Newsroom, and by checking in with Town social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Update #1: March 16, 2020 4:35 p.m.

Given the latest announcement by the Government of Alberta (GOA) and the Chief Medical Officer of Alberta Health Services (AHS), closing all schools and daycares, the Town of Stony Plain has closed the following Town owned facilities to the public until further notice effective immediately; 

  • Public Works
  • Fire Hall
  • Glenn Hall Centennial Arena
  • Community Centre
  • Heritage Park
  • Public Library
  • Youth Centre
  • Golf Course 

The following facilities will remain open to the public, but with limited access; 

  • Town Office
  • Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)
  • Accessible Transportation Services (ATS)
    • staff have implemented additional sanitizing and cleaning procedures and are asking all users specific health questions before booking or entering the vehicles. 

Essential services will still be operating and it is highly encouraged rather than coming into the Town Office and FCSS, that residents contact Administration via phone or email.  

The Regular Council Meeting on March 23rd is going ahead in a modified manner. Council Highlights will be released the following morning as per usual. 

Mayor William Choy has recorded this message for the residents of Stony Plain. 

To find programs and services in our community to help with support call 211

The Town urges the importance for all residents to reference the GOA web page dedicated to COVID-19 www.alberta.ca/coronavirus and AHS for any further information. 

For local updates on the impact to our community, stay connected to the Town’s newsroom, and the Town’s www.stonyplain.com/COVID19 page, along with all social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Friday, March 13, 2020

The Town of Stony Plain is working diligently with the community to ensure the directives of the Government of Alberta are implemented in response to the COVID-19 virus. The Town has suspended all scheduled Town events and programs until further notice, increased the level of daily cleaning at all public facilities and on Accessible Transportation Vehicles, as well as reviewing the Town’s policies to incorporate prudent practices in the workplace. This includes:

  • Increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as door handles and railings;
  • Providing hand sanitizer throughout our buildings;
  • Ensuring hand soap is well stocked in washrooms and employee kitchens;
  • Limiting business related travel;
  • Suspending all in person meetings;
  • Encouraging staff who do not feel well to stay at home and follow procedures outlined by the GOA based on symptoms;
  • Preparing work from home procedures; and
  • Encouraging residents who do not feel well to stay home and contact Administration via phone or email

These are some of the steps the Town is taking to limit or slow the spread of this pandemic.

Town Manager Tom Goulden says, “COVID-19 will impact our community as it has greatly impacted many countries around the world. The Alberta Government is reacting to this challenge daily and is implementing strategies that will have a positive outcome on the pandemic. In the coming days and weeks, the Town may have to make some challenging decisions to assist in meeting that positive outcome. We thank all residents for their understanding as we all navigate a quickly changing COVID-19 impacted Alberta.” 

Mayor William Choy says, “Administration is working diligently with community partners under the direction of the Government of Alberta to limit the impacts of COVID-19 on our community. The world has been impacted greatly by this non discriminating virus. Together as a community we can limit the impacts of COVID-19 by following the directives of the Province and limiting our time in public places. We each have a responsibility to each other to limit the spread of this virus.”

While the risk for Alberta is currently low, the Town is being proactive in doing what it can to protect and create plans to safeguard our community against the impacts of this rapidly moving pandemic.

The Town urges the importance for all residents to reference the Government of Alberta web page dedicated to COVID-19 www.alberta.ca/coronavirus.  

For local updates on the impact to our community, stay connected to the Town’s newsroom along with all social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

For media inquiries, contact:


Stephanie Barsby Boisvert

Corporate Communications Officer

Town of Stony Plain

T: 780.963.8606

E: s.boisvert@stonyplain.com