Alberta Environment informed the Town of an oil contamination in the North Business Park on April 7 at approximately 2PM. A used oil drum placed by an unknown source was found leaking into a nearby creek west of Lions Campground.

Alberta Environment identified the incident as an Environmental Disaster requiring immediate action. On April 7, booms were placed in the creek and the culvert blocked to prevent any oil travelling north west passed the Lions Campground. Environmental consultants were on scene April 8 for an initial site review. Six Vactor trucks worked throughout the evening to skim oil and water from the creek.

“What we know about the incident so far is that the oil drum was approximately 1000L in size and found to be two-thirds empty. We are working closely with Alberta Environment to identify the scope of the spill and respond accordingly,” says Town Manager Tom Goulden. “Water samples have been collected by remediation consultants and wildlife deterrents are in place. A biologist is currently working on a wildlife management plan for the affected area. At this time, the location of the spill has been secured and is closed to the public.”

“Keeping our community healthy and caring for the environment that supports us has always been a priority for the Town. The news of this oil contamination is very concerning for our community,” says Mayor William Choy. “I am confident the teams on the ground will do everything in their power to limit the environmental impacts of the spill and introduce a robust remediation plan.”  

Work will continue to remove oil from the creek with further remediations to be determined. More information on the incident will be provided as updates are received.