You can address Council to voice your concerns on community issues at council meetings.

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to address Council at a meeting.

Public Hearings

You can participate in public hearings regarding issues and decisions that may affect you or the community. Public hearings take place in Council Chambers at Town Hall. 

Public Input Sessions

You can speak at a regular council meeting during the 15 minute public input session at the beginning of the meeting between 5:00 PM to 5:15 PM You will be allotted up to 5 minutes to speak during this time. You can speak about any topic that is not on the current council meeting agenda. There is no debate with Council, however, Council may choose to ask clarifying questions if necessary.

Pre-registration is strongly recommended prior to 12:00 PM on the day of the Council Meeting.  Once received, your request will be reviewed and Administration will contact you.  Please use the link button below to submit your request:

Pre-register for a Public Input Session

Presentation to Council

If you wish to make a presentation to Council please submit your request by clicking on the button below and filling out the form. You may also submit your request in writing and either drop it off or mail it to the Town Office at the address listed below.

Please include as much information about your request as possible. Any presentation material must be submitted to at least seven (7) business days prior to the meeting you attend.

Request to Present to Council

Presentations to Council will be scheduled for the Governance and Priority Committee Meetings held on the first Monday of every month (except as noted).

Once your request is received, a representative from Legislative Services will contact you to schedule you at an upcoming Governance and Priority Committee Meeting.

Your letter can be dropped off or mailed to:

Town of Stony Plain
Attention: Legislative Services
4905 51 Avenue
Stony Plain AB  T7Z1Y1