Navigate to a page within the transportation section to learn more about Stony Plain's access to air, rail, highways, and public transit. 


Yeg Airport

The Edmonton International Airport is an economic catalyst for Stony Plain and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region (EMR). The airport creates and supports jobs, investment opportunities, and links the EMR to global markets.

Stony Plain Highway

Stony Plain is serviced by four major highways and offers convenient access to significant destinations in Canada and the USA. 

Stony Plain train track

Canadian National and Canadian Pacific provide intermodal services from terminals in surrounding areas. Clients may deal with rail companies to pick up a container or a conventional truck load for shipment.

Stony plain bus
Stony Plain Transit

Stony Plain transit is an on-demand system that operates throughout Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, Parkland Village and Acheson.

Logistics and Accessibility