Tax Certificates contain property information such as the: tax roll number, Municipal address, legal description, previous and current assessment/levy (if available), tax account balance, utility account balance and monthly Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) information.  

Ordering Tax Certificates

The Town of Stony Plain provides the below options when ordering Tax Certificates.


Our Online Services offers the option of ordering Tax Certificates through your online account or directly by Credit Card payment. There is a $30.00 fee for this online service. 

If ordering by Credit Card, an online account is not required. When on our Online Services page, select the 'Click Here' button located below the login information to complete your request by Credit Card.

Online Services - Tax Certificates

Do you order online Tax Certificates frequently? Please Contact Us for further assistance with setting up a User ID/Password. 

Staff Assisted

For staff assisted Tax Certificates, requests can be emailed to There is a $35.00 fee for this service.

To process your request in a timely manner, we ask that you please include the following information:

  • Property address, legal description or tax roll number for the required property
  • Name & Address of your Firm/business for billing purposes
  • Your File ID (optional)

 Note: Please see the Fees and Charges Bylaw for Tax Certificates and other tax related fees.