Cannabis in the Community
As of October 17, 2018, the production, distribution, sale, and possession of cannabis was legalized. Municipalities play an important role in cannabis legislation relating to land use, business licensing, and consumption.
Consuming Cannabis |
The Cannabis Consumption Bylaw (Bylaw 2665/G/22) takes a "zero public consumption" stance and bans the smoking or vaping of cannabis in any public place within Stony Plain limits. The bylaw states property owners must secure any cannabis plants grown on their property with a fence or structure. It also states cannabis may not be transported by vehicle unless it is in closed packaging and out of reach of the driver and other passengers. Stony Plain Community Peace Officers may give violation tickets for a fine of $300.00 to those who do not follow the Cannabis Consumption Bylaw. Individuals with medical cannabis licences are not subject to the bylaw, but must provide a copy of their documentation if asked by an officer. These individuals must follow provincial consumption regulations. |
Cultivating Cannabis |
Cannabis cultivation regulations are the same as those set by the Federal Government and the Government of Alberta. In Stony Plain:
Land Use Bylaw and Cannabis Retail Sales |
The Land Use Bylaw states any cannabis retail store must be at least 100 m from schools or provincial health care facilities. The separation distance will be measured from the property line of the school or health care facility to the closest point of the cannabis retail store. |
Business Licensing |
The Business License Bylaw (Bylaw 2619/LIC/19) includes definitions and fees for retail sales. Please see the Business Licenses page for more information on how to get a license. |
AGLC Legislation |
The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) allows cannabis retail stores to be open from 10AM to 2AM. Those interested in selling cannabis in Stony Plain must get a retail cannabis store licence from the AGLC. To receive approval from the AGLC, you must first apply for a development permit and business licence with the Town of Stony Plain. |