The current population of the Town of Stony Plain is 17,993. We record the number of people living in our community through a census so we can make decisions about our needs. The Federal Government also gives funding based on our population. Commercial businesses or manufacturers use this information to decide if Stony Plain is a good investment opportunity.
Current census results
Year |
Population |
Source |
17,993 |
Federal |
17,842 |
Municipal |
17,189 |
Federal |
16,127 |
Municipal |
15,051 |
Federal |
14,177 |
Municipal |
11,322* |
Municipal |
2006 |
12,363 |
Federal |
2003 |
10,554 |
Municipal |
2001 |
9,589 |
Federal |
1996 |
8,274 |
Federal |
1993 |
7,405 |
Municipal |
1991 |
7,226 |
Federal |
1990 |
6,689 |
Municipal |
1989 |
6,427 |
Municipal |
We used the 2008 Municipal Census for demographic and reference purposes only. The unofficial population was estimated at 11,322.