Does your project require a permit? Contact Planning and Development to find out! 


For information on address signage view our addressing brochure.


Download our agreements application or development agreement application to enter into agreements with the Town related to your subdivision or development. 

Business licence

Stony Plain has a Land Use Bylaw that determines what kinds of businesses are allowed in each area of our community. Before you sign a lease, check with Planning and Development to see if you can operate your business in the area you choose. We can help you through the process and make sure you have all the permits and inspections you need to start your business off on the right foot.

For more information, visit our business licence page. 

Development and building permit application

Development permits help to ensure the use of the land and location of buildings meet the regulations of the Town's Land Use Bylaw. Land uses are classified under each land use district as either permitted or discretionary.

Building permits are required to help ensure the health and safety of residents and are regulated under the Safety Codes Act, Permit Regulations and the Alberta Building Code.

Ensure one electronic copy of the site plan and all drawings (in a PDF format) are emailed to

We also required three large format paper copies of the site plan and all drawings (drawn to a satisfactory scale and dimensioned in metres).  

Ensure two paper copies of all required permit documentation accompany your application form. Paper size for both these documents must not exceed 11 x 17 inches. 

Step 1: Complete a permit application

Step 2: Select the appropriate checklist.

*Some checklists must be printed to accompany your permit application*

Step 3: If you are not the registered landowner, a landowner consent form must be submitted. 

Ensure all items listed on the permit checklist accompany your application. Incomplete applications will delay permit issuance. 

Typical processing time for development and building permits is 2-4 weeks. Upon receiving your issued permit, please review the conditions carefully.

For a comprehensive list of permit FAQs, refer to our Additional Information Guide. If you are unsure whether or not your project requires a permit, contact the Planning and Infrastructure Department to find out 780-963-8598. 


Cannabis retail sales requires a permit application. Refer to our change of use checklist for requirements.   

Compliance reports

You can request a compliance report at Town Hall. For more information on compliance reports see our compliance report information package

Electrical permit

You can apply for a electrical permit at Town Hall. As of January 1, 2021, the Town of Stony Plain has updated its Quality Management Plan. Upon receiving your issued permit, please review the conditions carefully for any changes that may have occurred.

Environmental records search

Download our environmental records search request form to obtain current and historical environmental information for a specific property. 


Visit our fees page for a full list of planning and development charges. 


Read our fence brochure for more information. 

Fire pits

Read our fire pit usage guide for more information. Burn permits are issued by the Fire Department.

Gas permit

You can apply for a gas permit at Town Hall. As of January 1, 2021, the Town of Stony Plain has updated its Quality Management Plan. Upon receiving your issued permit, please review the conditions carefully for any changes that may have occurred.

Land development inquiry

The Land Development Inquiry process is the first step for any land development project. Planning staff will respond with detailed information and next steps to help you complete your project. Whether you have a general question or are almost ready to make your application, submit a Land Development Inquiry to get started!

Landowner consent and right of entry

landowner consent form is required to apply for permits if you are not the registered landowner on title. You may require a right of entry form to complete your application.

Lot grading

The Town of Stony Plain has a two stage approval process for lot grading.  Rough grade approval is generally the responsibility of the homebuilder. Check to ensure your builder has obtained rough grade approval from the Town prior to proceeding with completing the final grade. Download our rough grade compliance checklist. Save the document to your desktop before filling it out.  Four photos of the subject lot and rough grade certificate are required to deem your submission complete.

Apply for final grade approval by contacting an Alberta Land Surveyor to survey your property and prepare a final grade certificate. The surveyor submits your certificate and your contact information to the Town of Stony Plain. Town Lot Grading Inspectors review your grading within 10 business days of receiving the certificate (workload and weather permitting). The lot grading inspection report and certificate are emailed and mailed following the inspection. Lot grading inspection fees for all final grading inspections have been pre-paid by the builder.


Stony Plain's Town Naming Policy provides a coordinated and consistent naming process and framework. Download our naming application if you want to assign a name to one or more of the following Town features:

  • Arterial road
  • Neighbourhood
  • Building
  • Road
  • Park
  • Recreation facility
  • Trail
  • Storm water management facility
  • Water course
  • Utility facility
  • Development area
  • Private development 

If you would like to apply to have a name added to the Significant Names Registry, please download the Significant Names Registry Application

Permit extension requests 

Complete a permit extension request prior to permit expiry to keep your permit file active. There is a cost associated with the request and the Safety Codes Officer must sign-off on the approval.

Permit statistics 

Visit our permit statistics page for quarterly and annual statistics. 

Planning bylaws

Download our planning bylaw application to apply for:

  • A new area structure plan, area redevelopment plan, or other planning bylaw
  • An amendment to the Municipal Development Plan, an existing area structure plan or area redevelopment plan, or the Land Use Bylaw. 
Site signage for planning bylaw applications
Planning bylaw applications require signage on the subject property to notify adjacent landowners of the application. Applicants must use the Town’s Signage Template and follow the required signage specifications.  
Public participation for planning bylaw applications
Planning bylaw applications may require public participation to determine how the community receives a proposed application. Town staff determine public participation requirements for planning bylaw applications during the Land Development Inquiry review process. 

Plumbing permit and private sewage permit

You can apply for a plumbing permit at Town Hall. You can apply for a private sewage disposal permit at Town Hall. As of January 1, 2021, the Town of Stony Plain has updated its Quality Management Plan. Upon receiving your issued permit, please review the conditions carefully for any changes that may have occurred.

RV parking

RV Parking is regulated within the Land Use Bylaw:

  • RV parking is permitted within the front yard between April 1 and October 31 as long as the RV does not encroach (overhang) onto the road or sidewalk
  • RV Parking is not permitted within the front yard between November 1 and March 31.  
  • RV Parking is allowed within a side, flankage or rear yard year round if it does not encroach into the required setbacks for the Land Use District it is located in.
  • If your RV cannot be accommodated within the side, flankage or rear yard, and you have not received development permit approval for a year round RV parking space in the front yard, you must remove the RV from the property before November 1.  There are several RV storage facilities in the Tri Region.
  • Development Permit approval is required for a rear round RV parking space within a front yard. 
    • Approval is not guaranteed, as not all properties can meet the requirements for a year round RV parking space.
    • Year round RV parking spaces require a variance to the regulations and are subject to a mandatory 21 day appeal period if approved.
  • RV’s are not permitted to encroach onto roads or sidewalks at any time
  • Failure to comply with the Town’s regulations can result in costly fines.

A year round RV parking space requires development permit approval. Keep in mind, applications for a year round parking space must undergo review to determine if the proposed space meets the Land Use Bylaw regulations and does not guarantee an approval. Please refer to the RV Parking brochure or contact Planning & Development for more information.

Secondary suite questionnaire 

A secondary suite questionnaire is required to apply for a secondary suite development permit. If you have any questions, please contact Planning & Development. 

Security reduction and return
Applicants must complete a security reduction and return application for reduction or return of security held by the Town of Stony Plain. 
Shipping containers

The Land Use Bylaw regulates placement of shipping containers (storage containers, sea cans) on private property. Shipping containers that don't require a permit are allowed in a residential or commercial district for less than 30 days, and are subject to the following regulations:

  • Must be placed on private property
  • Must be removed within 30 days
  • Must not encroach or obstruct sidewalks and roads
  • Must meet the side yard setbacks for the Land Use District the property is located in
  • Must not impact more than one on-site parking space

If you require a shipping container on your property for more than 30 days in a commercial or industrial district, please apply for a Development Permit.

Do you require the shipping container on the street? You can apply for an intermodal container permit through Municipal Enforcement. The container can be placed on the front street in front of your property only for a period of up to 30 days. The time period permitted is at Enforcement’s discretion as it depends on the street parking availability in the residential area. Contact Municipal Enforcement to learn more.

Sign permits

The Town’s Land Use Bylaw regulates signs. Signs are regulated by Land Use District, sign type, copy area, height, number of signs, setbacks, location, etc. A development permit may be required for a sign.  Please contact our planning department prior to purchasing signs for your business or event. You can apply for a sign permit at Town Hall.

Signs without permits, signs placed on municipal property and signs that don’t meet the regulations may result in them being removed and impounded by the Town.

Did you know that Alberta Transportation also requires sign permits for signs placed within 300 metres of a highway?

 Election signs

Elections signs fall under the Town’s Land Use Bylaw Part 5 Sign Regulations. 

  • The maximum size of an election sign is 1.5 m2 (16.15 ft2
  • Election signs less than 1.5 m2 do not require a development permit.
  • Election signs are permitted in all land use districts and may be placed on municipal property provided they comply with all other regulations
  • Election signs for the same candidate or party must be placed a minimum of 20 metres (65 feet) apart
  • Election signs must be removed from all property within 72 hours following an election
  • Any sign greater than 1.5 m2 utilized for the purpose of an election or campaign is not considered to be an election sign

All other sign types utilized for the purpose of an election or campaign sign are subject to the regulations for that sign type, and:

  • May only be placed within the land use districts where they are listed as permitted
  • May only be placed on private land (not on municipal land)
  • May require development permit approval

Please contact Planning and Development for more information.


Subdivision and endorsement 



Water meter permit request 

A water meter permit request must be completed and submitted to our Utilities department for approval prior to booking an appointment. For more information on water meters, please visit our Water Meters page.  

Zero lot line development

Read our zero lot line brochure for more information.