Land use planning in Alberta is carried out at the provincial, regional and municipal level. Planning may also be subject to federal and provincial regulations. The planning hierarchy diagram outlines the relationship of different levels of land use legislation.

Planning and Development Policies

The Municipal Government Act requires municipalities to keep an updated list of policies that may be considered when making planning and development decisions. 

Planning and Development Guiding Documents 

The Planning and Development Guiding Documents policy outlines the documents that may be used to make development decisions. The listed documents include statutory plans, non-statutory plans, bylaws, policies, guidelines, standards, procedures, other town documents and non-town documents.

The Planning and Development Guidelines document explains the various guiding documents, processes and roles involved in planning and development. 

Statutory Plans 

Area Redevelopment Plans

Area Structure Plans

Municipal Development Plan

Non-Statutory Plans

Active Transportation Strategy

Corporate Plan

Environmental Master Plan

Environmental Stewardship Strategy 

Leisure Services Master Plan

Main Street Streetscape Plan

Parks and Open Space Master Plan

Strategic Plan

Target Sector Study and Marketing Plan

Trails Master Plan

Trails Master Plan Evaluation and Update

Transportation Master Plan

Utilities Master Plan

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Bylaw

Planning and Development Bylaws 

Offsite Levy Bylaw

Subdivision Bylaw

Subdivision Development Appeal Board (SDAB) Bylaw

Guidelines, Standards and Procedures

Greenspace Analysis & Inventory

Municipal Development Standards

Park Space Guidelines

Urban Design Toolkit

 Non-Town Documents

Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA)

Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan (EMRGP)

Land Use Policies

Municipal Government Act (MGA)